Çerez Örnek

Postgraduate theses must be written in accordance with the EÜ Institute of Science and Technology thesis writing guide.

Ege University Institute of Science and Technology Thesis Writing Guide was accepted at the meeting of our University Senate on 11.12.2018. Ege University Institute of Science and Technology Thesis Writing Guide was accepted at the meeting of our University Senate on 11.12.2018. Students who will take the defense exam as of February 2019 must prepare their thesis in accordance with the Thesis Writing Guide below.

Click for Thesis Writing Guide

Inner cover samples (Turkish)

Inner cover samples (English)

Outer cover samples (in Turkish)

Outer cover samples (in English)


Other Applications to be Considered and Benefited at the Thesis Preparation Stage

Regulation on the Working and Principles of Animal Experiments Ethics Committees and E.U. According to the provisions of the Directive of the Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee, a Certificate of Use of Experimental Animals is sought from the thesis advisor, faculty member or the student, with the approval of the Local Ethics Committee in the postgraduate thesis project proposals to be carried out on experiments and livestock at the Institute.

"YÖK Thesis Documentation Center"

"Ege University Thesis Archive"

In order to detect plagiarism in academic studies, the iThenticate program has been made available to our university by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM. The program has a comprehensive academic content directly related to the evaluation of academic publications (excluding student assignments).  Library iThenticate Program link

Ege University Criteria for Academic Upgrades

Upon a proposal made during the discussion of the criteria for Ege University Academic Upgrades at the Senate's session on March 16, 2010; It has been decided that "Master, Doctorate, Specialization and Proficiency in Art" will take place as the first name of the thesis student in the articles prepared regarding the postgraduate theses and the advisor / advisors will be written later.





Ege Üniversitesi